Government of India
What do Evaluators look for in a Smart City Proposal?
(Based on parameters used for scoring)
Q.1 In the last three years, what efforts have been made by the city to improve livability, sustainability and economic development? Give specific examples along with improvement with KPIs that are in the public domain and/ or can be validated. Your answer should cover, but not be restricted to {Describe in max. 50 words each, mentioning the source of the data}:
a) Transportation condition in the city
b) Water availability in the city and reduction in water wastage/ NRW
c) Solid waste management programs in the city
d) Safety/ security conditions in the city
e) Energy availability and reduction of outages in the city
f) Housing situation in the city, specifically role of municipality in expediting building plan approvals, property tax collection, etc.
Q.2 In the last three years, what have been the changes in Administrative Efficiency due to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) {Describe in max. 50 words each, mentioning the source of the data}:
a) Overall attendance of functionaries
b) Two-way communication between citizens and administration
c) Use of e-Gov to enable hassle free access to statutory documents
d) Dashboards that integrate analytics and visualization of data
e) Availability of basic information relevant to citizens.
Q.3 Based on the detailed city profiling, what are the strengths and developmental areas of the city? Conduct a detailed SWOT analysis of the city with all relevant metrics and data.
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Page Last Updated On : 03-10-2018