Proposal Preparation
The Government is not prescribing any particular model to be adopted by the Smart cities. The approach is not ‘one-size-fits-all’; each city has to formulate its own concept, vision, mission and plan (proposal) for a Smart City that is appropriate to its local context, resources and levels of ambitions. Accordingly, they have to choose their model of Smart city and answer the question: What kind of Smart City do they want? For this, cities will prepare their Smart City Proposal (SCP) containing the vision, plan for mobilisation of resources and intended outcomes in terms of infrastructure up-gradation and smart applications.
Essential features of SCP: It may be noted that even though a particular model is not being prescribed, it is expected that the SCPs will include a large number of infrastructure services and smart solutions highlighted in paras 2.4 and 2.5. In particular, the elements that must form part of a SCP are assured electricity supply with at least 10% of the smart city’s energy requirement coming from solar, adequate water supply including waste water recycling and storm water reuse, sanitation including solid waste management, rain water harvesting, smart metering, robust IT connectivity and digitalization, pedestrian friendly pathways, encouragement to non-motorised transport (e.g. walking and cycling), intelligent traffic management, non-vehicle streets/zones, smart parking, energy efficient street lighting, innovative use of open spaces, visible improvement in the Area (e.g., replacing overhead electric wiring with underground wiring, encroachment-free public areas, and ensuring safety of citizens especially children, women and elderly. Cities will have to add more ‘smart’ applications to this list in order to improve their SCP. In the case of redevelopment and greenfield models of smart cities, in addition to the essential features mentioned above, at least 80% buildings should be energy efficient and green buildings. Additionally, of the total housing provided in greenfield development, there should be at least 15% in the affordable housing category. It must be emphasized that, since cities are competing with each other for selection under the Smart Cities Mission, the SCPs have to be prepared with great care and the proposed smart city made ‘smart’ enough.
Cities will prepare SCPs using the principles of strategic planning process and the proposal will contain area-based development plans and Pan-city initiatives. The
SCP is collaborative because the objectives and funds of all government departments, parastatals, private agencies and the citizens are dovetailed during the process of preparing the SCP. It is realized that the task of preparing the SCPs is quite challenging and States/ULBs will require assistance of experts. There are two ways of obtaining technical assistance support - by hiring consulting firms and engaging with handholding agencies
Consulting Firms: The Ministry of Urban Development will technically qualify a panel of consulting firms and the States/UTs are at liberty to draw upon this panel. As considered necessary, the States/UTs may request financial proposals from these firms in the template RFP given in the Toolkit and do a selection based on applicable procurement rules and guidelines. The scope of work for the Smart City Consulting firms is given in Annexure 1 of the guidelines. The States have the option of appointing a consulting firm outside the panel by following transparent and fair procedures as per State financial rules.
Handholding Agencies: During the preparation of the Smart Cities Mission, a number of foreign Governments have offered to provide Technical Assistance (TA) support. Additionally, other external organizations, including bilateral and multilateral institutions, as well as domestic organizations have suggested to the Ministry of Urban Development that they can give technical assistance support. These include World Bank, ADB, JICA, USTDA, AFD, KfW, DFID, UN Habitat, UNIDO, etc. Such organizations, which have experience in the field of smart city development, can also extend support to the States/UTs as hand-holding agencies in preparing the SCPs. The Ministry will assist in tying up the arrangements.